Embrace Me Adulthood...the poet within me !

i dnt feel too gud...though i am an adult now..but thngs rnt very gud.
the thng is that i never thought abt it as an indian before. an indian who thnks and cares abt everythng. i just slept normally lke before but dunno wat happened in my dreams...as if i lived another life in those 9 hrs of my sleep. when i woke up, i never felt as i had slept. somethng is definitely disturbin me. we all r happy in rselves but my dream was abt ordinary people ( ordinary yet unique ). my repartee wit wasnt at its best, body not in synchro wth mind, heart almost frettin abt its place in my body. to start with, i felt different though when i woke up i was searchin for my scar mark just lke harry potter but unfortunately it wasnt dere.
in my dream i had had my poetic dreams cme true...i just thought abt a matter so diff. yet so near me. those lines visited my mind in d morning also...just their shadows as if i were to decode dem in a game played by me only.
watchin films lke slumdog and lookin at their plght at signals or constructn wrk is totally opp.
i hve d poetic license....but u hve d rght to disagree with me also
thght abt a poor grl ( seen at signal , 1 hnd cut off) ...
i had seen a fce so dark,so weak as if she had lost all her hopes givin prayers only

She's one of those millions who face,
In myriad dark alleys, everyday, everynight
While we crib abt spice in our food
For them, evey morsel is a prize
Its r duty that we being alive
Give back to humanity
What has been offered to us

and i wonder what my few lines below aim at, just thght randomly, a kind of soft, food for thght poetry:

Each intriguing creation ponders my soul
Realization does dawn when all seem magical
I am glissfully aware of my past
Yet, more than once i felt
Somebody calling out to me, their whispers enticing
I experience emotions so powerful,bliss and happiness
We live on, oblivious to some predicaments
Now, as i leave with my spirit of tranquility
I stand firm, for the entire world to see
As i say, "Come, Embrace me adulthood"

i know that every word is so near yet so far away
but read it aloud to yourself...read it as a whole...read it wth zest, anger , happiness, relief...all ur emotions and i bet u'll feel u have done somethng rght, as if your Soul Is Cleansed.
done d above, and instead of a poem, rises a whole new story of 17 lines
talking everything and yet nothing about our world.

1 Comment:

  1. ASA said...
    the thoughts you have gone through have occured to me some years back.
    The thing i always tell u to do is the answer to it.
    u'll understand it all.
    yes we can surely do something about these things.
    but how we do it is what makes the difference.

    but somehow i am unable to understand ur title in respect to this post.

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